понедельник, 24 октября 2011 г.

White points on billiard table cloth, is it good or bad?

I think that the owners of billiard clubs or tables know everything about tables, billiard table cloth, cues and balls which they use. And for them the appearance of white spots is not news. But at the same time, many owners of billiard tables and players are often surprised when they see how on the billiard cloth appear white spots. They believe that this is the defect or poor quality of the cloth, even if it is brands Eurospeed, Eurosprint, Simonis or Campionship.
Therefore, as man who knows something about the billiard table cloth, I'll tell you white spots on the billiard table cloth is good or bad thing.
First of all, each cloth must contain some synthetic, because if there was 100% wool cloth, it would be like decor. And it would be constantly stretched when installing on the table. So 30-55% of synthetics, depending on the type of cloth material is necessary for each billiard table cloth.
Secondly in any type of billiard table cloth, after couple of shots white spots appear. This is due to the fact that at the beginning of the ball moving, polyurethane, from which ball is made, comes in reaction with the cloth, and "burning" it. As the result, on the billiard cloth appear white spots.
Third, the white dots are due to cheap billiard balls. For example balls «Aramith» don’t burn billiard table cloth, like all Chinese balls, even if I take Chinese ball and will play on the most expensive billiard table cloth, the effect of white dots will always be present. When you play on the same cloth, but with the Belgian balls, these spots will also be, but they will not be so visible.

Now you know when white spots appear on the billiard table cloth, it doesn’t mean low quality of billiard cloth. This means that players will use cheap billiard balls.
 The next time I'll tell you very interesting secret of billiard tables and cloth. If you even know a little about billiard or don’t play billiard, you will be very interesting to read!

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